Amateur Radio DXpedition to
Huang Yan Dao (Scarborough Reef)
The BS7H 1997 log search is now
available on the web! The database contains all non-JA QSOs from the BS7H
1997 operation. To check for your QSOs, go to the English section of the
JA1BK Home Page.
BS7H 1997 Links:
The BS7H 1997 DXpedition was made possible by the generous support of
the following sponsors:
Please feel free to drop by the BS7H 1995 Home Page
where you will find the story of the previous DXpedition to Scarborough
Reef (including a slide show) and learn
how it was eventually added to the DXCC Countries List.
N4GN Home Page | BS7H 1995 Home Page | JA1BK Home Page
Last modified 02 February 1999 by Tim Totten, n4gn@n4gn.com.