DXpedition to Gaza City, Palestine
The E44DX team
is proud to have brought you this historic first DXpedition to Palestine
under the new E4 prefix. We're glad you were able to be a part of it!
Because of the recent action of the International Telecommunication Union to
issue the E4A-E4Z call sign prefix block, Palestine has now become the
newest addition to the official ARRL DXCC Countries List! See ARRL DX Bulletin 5 for more details.
Photo: The E44DX team included (L-R) Martti,
OH2BH; Pekka, OH1RY; Bernie, W3UR; Pekka,
OH2TA; and host Sami, E44B.
E44DX e-mail log search
The E44DX log database can be searched via e-mail! Simply send a
message to e44dx-log@n4gn.com with
your call sign in the subject line.
E44DX Links:
The E44DX Palestine DXpedition was made possible by the generous
support of Yaesu Musen Co.,
Additional support provided by
The Daily DX and FinnFet Ltd.